Title: IBEX-Lo Interstellar Neutral Histogram Counts and Direct Event Counts Interstellar neutral (ISN) histogram and direct event counts for each of the 60 IBEX-Lo angular bins. The data includes start and end times for each 512 spin period in GPS time as well as total accumulation times. Data files are in CSV format and are labelled according to their IBEX orbit and orbit arc. Data are collected for periods within the ISN goodtimes: -Accumulated direct event data must meet the following criteria: 1. Golden triples 2. “Hydrogen” time-of-flight 3. Energy Steps 1-3 are included during non-special mode periods. ISN data product QA checks: -All ISN season orbits are checked for contaminating backgrounds around the ISN peak itself. Times with high backgrounds are eliminated. -Background threshold for this test is determined orbit by orbit using sample quiet times. -Times when the TOF 2 rate exceeds this background by 60% are excluded. -Times with spin issues are excluded -Times with special operations are excluded (gain tests, etc…) -Remaining times are included in ISN data products -Resulting ISN data products are checked for continuity (time and angle), and suppression (loss of direct events due to instrument throttling).