The IBEX-Lo Heavy Neutral Maps By Jeewoo Park ( & Harald Kucharek ( The IBEX-Lo heavy neutral maps are produced from the measured direct events identified as “Oxygen”, which are registered between 50 ns and 100 ns in TOF2; i.e. 50 ns ≤ TOF2 ≤ 100 ns (Park et al. 2015). Because there is no sputtering, Compton-Getting, and survival probability corrections, the “Oxygen” events may include O, Ne, and other heavier elements. The single O maps are produced by Pipeline code. If you inform us when you use this data, we would appreciate that. We also welcome any questions and suggestions. Keyword in filenames Description cnts DE counts rate DE count rates rsig Standard deviations of count rates rsnr S/N expo Exposure times 1. single_ot_maps There are six sets of the single IBEX-Lo heavy neutral maps observed from 2009 to 2011. - Six sets of maps for three consecutive years: map1–6 - Four E-steps: E-step 5–8 - Elements: counts, exposure times, count rates, standard deviations of count rates, S/N 2. combo_ot_maps (Fig. 1, 2, and 3 in Park et al. 2015) There are three sets of the combined IBEX-Lo heavy neutral maps - comb-ot-m1m3m5: Combined odd maps (map1 + map3 + map5) - comb-ot-m2m4m6: Combined even maps (map2 + map4 + map6) - comb-ot-m1m6: Combined all maps (map1 + map2 + map3 + map4 + map5 + map6) - Elements: exposure times, count rates, standard deviations of count rates, S/N 3. statistical_ot_maps (Fig. 4 and 5 in Park et al. 2015) There are four sets of the statistical IBEX-Lo heavy neutral maps. Three statistical methods were applied to the combined all maps. - combo-ot-m1m6-snr: S/N-filtered maps - combo-ot-m1m6-clm: CLM maps - combo-ot-m1m6-snr-clm: S/N-filtered CLM maps - combo-ot-m1m6-cluster: Cluster maps